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This FREE printable is a great way to refresh those math skills AND get to know each other during your first week back to school! This product is not grade specific - feel free to set guidelines for example, addition and subtraction questions for 2-4 or only multiplication or division for grades 5-8.


This get-to-know-you activity asked students to write math problems to reveal the

answers to the questions! Here’s an example:


The number of pets I have

45 – 44 = 1

I have one pet dog.


Students will also write their name and draw a picture of themselves in the centre box!

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All Smarty Pants Studies’ resources have been used in the classroom and crafted using Ontario curriculum expectations with increasing student engagement and understanding in mind. Smarty Pants Studies’ resources are little to no-prep and many are cross-curricular, print and/or digital, allow for student choice and foster creativity.


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All About Me worksheet! Math Edition!

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