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This product is jam-packed with 50 seasonal and everyday writing prompts your students will LOVE! Get creative with 23 image headers to decorate student work and create beautiful bulletin board displays!


Note: You don’t need to print these sheets to use the writing prompts. Simply have students write their responses in a notebook or on blank paper for additional writing practice. Also, there is not an image header for every prompt provided in this package, however, I have created a blank template so students can design their own headers. You can find the blank header on page 12.


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About This Product:

  • 23 seasonal image headers
  • Includes designs for:

- Back To School

- Harvest/Thanksgiving

- Halloween

- Remembrance Day

- New Year

- Chinese New Year

- Earth Day

- Signs of Spring


  • 3 writing templates for K-6
  • Printable Editing Checklists
  • Clip Art from LittleRed, Chirp Graphics, English Lab by Des, Teachers ClipArt on Teachers Pay Teachers.
  • Fonts from PB Fonts, and KG Fonts on Teachers Pay Teachers.


Writing - Creative Writing - Journals - Reflection Journals - Seasonal - Seasonal Activity - Seasonal Crafts - Bulletin Board Decor


Ontario Language Expectations covered in this booklet:


1.1 identify the topic, purpose, audience, and form for writing (e.g., a fairy tale to entertain another class; the procedure for fire drills to inform the class; a poster to promote a favourite book or movie)


1.2 generate ideas about a potential topic, using a variety of strategies and resources (e.g., formulate and ask questions such as the five W’s [who, what, when, where, why] to identify personal experiences, prior knowledge, and information needs; brainstorm ideas with a partner)


1.4 sort ideas and information for their writing in a variety of ways, with support and direction (e.g., by using simple graphic organizers such as webs or a Venn diagram)


2.2 establish a personal voice in their writing, with a focus on using familiar words that convey their attitude or feeling towards the subject or audience (e.g., words that convey admiration for a character: a cool person)


2.3 use familiar words and phrases to communicate relevant details (e.g., a sequence of adjectives: The big, brown bear…)


2.4 use a variety of sentence types (e.g., questions, statements, exclamations)


2.6 identify elements of their writing that need improvement, using feedback from the teacher and peers, with a focus on content and word choice


2.7 make simple revisions to improve the content, clarity, and interest of their written work, using several types of strategies


3.1 spell many high-frequency words correctly (e.g., words from their oral vocabulary, anchor charts, the class word wall, and shared-, guided-, and independent reading texts)


3.2 spell unfamiliar words using a variety of strategies that involve understanding sound-symbol relationships, word structures, word meanings, and generalizations about spelling


3.4 use punctuation to help communicate their intended meaning


3.5 use parts of speech appropriately to communicate their meaning clearly


3.6 proofread and correct their writing using a simple checklist


3.8 produce pieces of published work to meet criteria identified by the teacher, based on the expectations


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What are the benefits of using Smarty Pants Studies’ educational resources?


All Smarty Pants Studies’ resources have been used in the classroom and crafted using Ontario curriculum expectations with increasing student engagement and understanding in mind. Smarty Pants Studies’ resources are little to no-prep and many are cross-curricular, print and/or digital, allow for student choice and foster creativity.


Before you leave a review, a friendly reminder that I am a hardworking teacher and small business owner; I appreciate all reviews and feedback (positive or constructive), but please ensure you have used the product and your rating is reasonable and justified before submitting.


Terms of Use:

· Do not give this product away to others. If you wish to purchase multiple copies to share, you will receive a discount for any additional licenses you purchase.

· Do not claim this work as your own.

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· If you have any other questions about acceptable use of Smarty Pants Studies products, please feel free to contact me at


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50 Writing Prompts and Seasonal Templates for K-6 Journals!

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